Students & Families » Bus Transportation

Bus Transportation


Transportation for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • May 24th, 2024: The form closes
  • May 25th, 2024: All other transportation requests must be submitted to the office of the school your child attends. 
  • July 25th, 2024: Final deadline for transportation requests 

  • Requests after July 25th will not be guaranteed transportation for the first 2 weeks of school

Other Notes of Interest:

New families to MACS along with students entering prek and kindergarten will have transportation paperwork in their enrollment form.

Transportation will be provided to qualifying students to in district residences and qualifying in-district child care providers. 

If your address has changed, you will need to submit documentation to the school office where your child attends before they will be assigned to a bus stop at your new address. 

Students may only have one address listed for morning pick-up and one address listed for afternoon drop-off. 

Students registering for bus transportation for next school year must ride the bus on a consistent basis, at least 2-3 times per a week in order to keep their bus seat. 

Students who do not ride for 10 or more consecutive days will be removed from the bus and will need to submit a new transportation request form if transportation is needed. 

Student-athletes and students absent due to an extended illness or family trip will retain their bus seat as long as the transportation department has been notified of their extended absence.  

Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year will not be available until Open House in August.  You will have access to bus information on the My Ride K-12 app on the day of Open House. 

Bus Information

As part of our transportation program, all students riding a bus receive a radio-frequency identification (RFID) bus pass. Students will scan their bus pass daily when boarding and exiting the bus. This helps us to ensure students are on the correct bus, and track attendance.
Parents will be able to use the My Ride K-12 to receive student bus assignments and more. This app will give you the benefit of knowing how far the bus is away from your house, allowing you to see the time your child scans on and off the bus, and knowing when your student arrives at school each day.
MACS transportation department will provide students with a bus pass, protective cover, and a lanyard. Once a student is assigned a card, they will use the same card for the remainder of their enrollment at MACS. In order for all systems to work as intended, we will need students to be diligent in scanning their cards. There will be a small fee for replacement cards and protective covers. If a student needs a replacement card, please contact the front office of the school. Our transportation department will deactivate their lost card and issue a new one for a fee of $3.00. 
Bus information can be found in our handbook. 

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