School Safety
Say Something by Sandy Hook Promise

If you “See Something, Say Something” by telling a staff member, calling 911, or using our “Say Something” app. The app is found in the App Store and Google Play Store.
- If you have an immediate emergency situation, please call 911.
- Please provide as much detailed information regarding the incident so that the school administration can adequately respond. Click the button above to submit a tip if you do not have the app.
Standard Response Protocol
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is a set of research-based actions/drills designed to provide consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff and first responders, that can be applied in any emergency situation.

In Your Room or Area | Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors | Locks, Lights, Out of Sight | A Location may be specified | State the Hazard and the Safety Strategy |
*SRP refers to these as "terms of art"
Terms of Art and Actions
Communication Timeline of a Lockdown
When a lockdown is issued for a school, families will receive communication with accurate information as soon as it is safe to do so. This timeline can help families understand why that communication will not be immediate and why they may hear about the lockdown from other sources prior to the school district.

“In Your Classroom or Area”
Students will:
- Clear the hallways and remain in their classroom room or designated area until the “All Clear” is announced.
- Within the classroom or area, go about the class day as usual.
Adults will:
- Close and lock the classroom door(s)
- Take attendance of students and adults present
- Go about the class day as usual

“Get Inside. Lock the outside doors.”
Students will:
- Return to the inside of the building
- Within the building, go about the class day as usual.
Adults and staff will:
- Bring everyone indoors
- Lock the outside doors
- Increase situational awareness
- Take attendance of students and adults
- Go about the class day as usual
"locks, lights, out of Sight”
Students will:
- Move away from sight of windows and doors
- Maintain silence
- Not open the classroom or exterior doors
Adults and staff will:
- Recover students from the hallway if possible
- Lock the classroom door
- Turn out the lights
- Move away from sight of windows and doors.
- Maintain silence
- Not open the classroom or exterior doors
- Prepare to evade or defend
“To a location”
Students will:
- Leave all belongings behind except for what is on your person.
- If possible, bring their cell phone
- Follow instructions given by adults and staff.
Adults and staff will:
- Bring an attendance roll sheet and Go Bag (unless instructed not to bring anything with them, dependent on reason for evacuation.)
- Lead students to evacuation location
- Take attendance of students and adults
- Report any injuries or problems using the Red Card/Green Card method.
“State Hazard and Safety Strategy”
Hazards might include:
- Tornado
- Hazmat
- Earthquake
- Tsunami
Safety Strategies might include:
- Evacuate to shelter area
- Seal the room
- Drop, cover and hold
- Get to high ground
Students will:
- Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
Adults and staff will:
- Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
- Take attendance of students and adults
- Report any injuries or problems using the Red Card/Green Card method.