Grade Level Expectations
First Grade - Language: Spanish
First Grade students will explore the content and learn the target language (Spanish) through the following
lenses: phonics, fiction/non-fiction reading, vocabulary (AAPPL), writing/spelling, grammar, and CKLA knowledge.
TOPICS- Who Am I? - Nationalities - Where Do I live? - Family - Weather - Time - Seasons - Clothes
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Vowels - Consonants: Mm, Pp
CKLA/CAMINOS KNOWLEDGE- Fables and Stories - Different Lands, Different Stories - The Human Body. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Community Helpers - Needs & Wants - Holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS-Consonants: Ss, Ll, Dd, Nn, Ff, Tt, Rr
CKLA/CAMINOS KNOWLEDGE- The Human Body - Early American Civilizations - Christmas Around the World. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- My Favorite Place - Hobbies - Sports - Habits
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS-Consonants: rr, Ll/ll, Bb, Cc (strong-soft), Qq, Ññ, Jj, Gg, Ch/ch, Hh, Zz
CKLA/CAMINOS KNOWLEDGE- Astronomy - The History of the Earth - Read Across America Week. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- The Farm and My Favorite Animal - My School - Caring for My Planet
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Consonants: Yy, Ww, Kk, Xx - Syllables: Ge, Gi - Blends: Br, Pr, Tr, Fr, Cr, Gr, Dr, Bl, Pl, Fl, Cl, Gl - Endings: -al, -ar, -n, -s
CKLA/CAMINOS KNOWLEDGE- Animals and Habitats - Fairy Tales. Plus, writing skills activities.
Second Grade - Language: Spanish
lenses: phonics, fiction/non-fiction reading, vocabulary (AAPPL), writing/spelling (writing workshop), grammar, and CKLA/CAMINOS skills and knowledge.
TOPICS- All About Me: Physical attributes, personality, best friends, and family; my daily routine.
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Review: UFLI - Sounds /p/ /b/ /m/ /l/ /d/ /f/ /t/ /v/ /y/ /ll/ /k/ = [ca, co, cu, que, qui], /s/ /z/ /ce/ /ci/ /g/>ga, go, gu, gue, gui, /n/ /ñ/ /r/ /rr/ /ch/ -iyo, -ita (suffixes), words with one, two, and three syllables; fragmenting words into syllables; diphthongs ua, ui, iu; hiatus, silent /h/, abbreviations, AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS- Ten Skills Units and Twelve Knowledge Domains. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- My Routines Before/After School, The Seasons, My Favorite Hobby(ies), Christmas Activities
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Writing words with /x/, /w/, hiatus, blends, cc, x = /ks/; multi-syllabic words; sounds review; prefixes (re-, pre-, in-, des-); suffixes (-ísimo, -ísima); AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS- Ten Skills Units and Twelve Knowledge Domains. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- My Favorite Foods, My Favorite Places, Other Favorites, "What I like to do the most is...,"
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Suffixes (-ón, -ona); Stressed Syllables; diphthongs au, ei, ie; writing complete sentences; Verb: To Be. Reading Comprehension: Inferences, story elements, vocabulary (dictionary skills), AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS- Ten Skills Units and Twelve Knowledge Domains. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- When I Grow Up, Community Helpers (descriptions), Professions in my family, AAPPL Vocabulary review
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Review syllables, verbs in past tense, hiatus, blends, adverbs, capital/lower cases letters, antonyms, synonyms, homophone words, homograph words, prepositions, and multi-syllabic words; Reading Comprehension: Timeline, non-fiction elements,
CKLA/CAMINOS- Ten Skills Units and Twelve Knowledge Domains. Plus, writing skills activities.
Third Grade - Language: Spanish
lenses: phonics, fiction/non-fiction reading, vocabulary (AAPPL), writing/spelling (writing workshop), grammar, and CKLA/CAMINOS skills and knowledge.
TOPICS- All About Me, Farm Animals, Animals, Expressing Opinions, Healthy Living Habits.
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Present Tense, Close and Open Syllables, Common and Proper Nouns, Types of sentences, words with rr and ll, Verbs, Singular and Plural Nouns, Blends: -mb y mp, -nv, -mb y nv, adjectives, prefixes: -re, -des, -pre, -im, and -in, regular and irregular plural nouns, AAPPL Vocabulary; RazKids readings.
CKLA/CAMINOS- El Viento en los Sauces, Classification of Animals, The Human Body: Systems and Senses (Lessons 1-4). Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Healthy Eating Habits, Romans Life vs. My Life, My Hobbies, Exploring and Traveling, Winter Activities, The Planets, Space.
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Reviewing letters and sounds, spelling; Opinion writing, Past Tense and regular verbs, Imperfect Tense, Conjunctions, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, Adverbs, Possessive Pronouns, Hiatus, Future Tense, and AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS- The Human Body: Systems and Senses (Lessons 6, 9, 10, 12), The Old Rome, The Vikings Era, Astronomy. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Housing, Location, The Totem Poles, Hobbies (Part 2)
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Reflexive Pronouns, Words with G and J, Antonyms, Prepositions, Interrogative and Exclamation Pronouns, Homophone and Homograph Words, Comparative and Superlative Forms of Irregular Adjectives, Comparative and Superlative Adverbs; Review: Past and Imperfect Tense. AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS- The Native Americans. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Living Things: Plants, Mountains in the Summer and the Winter, Mock Tests, Review for EOGs, AAPPL Vocabulary review
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Review suffixes: -dad, -eza, -ura, and -iento; base words, diphthongs, adjectives, adverbs, EOY activities.
CKLA/CAMINOS- EOY Activities and writing skills activities.
Fourth Grade - Language: Spanish
lenses: phonics, fiction/non-fiction reading, vocabulary (AAPPL), writing/spelling (writing workshop), grammar, and CKLA/CAMINOS skills and knowledge.
TOPICS- Back to School, My Hobbies, The School, Food, Daily Life, Health and Feelings
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Adjectives, Similes, Punctuation: coma, quotes, period; Verb To Be, Transition Words, Past Tense: Recognition and Use, AAPPL Vocabulary; RazKids readings; personal narrative, and opinions.
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- Razkids: Ana y El Abrigo Mágico, La Habitación Más Desordenada del Pueblo; CommonLit: Eva hace la diferencia, El Ártico, ¡qué lugar tan frío!, Mes de la Herencia Hispana.
Reading Comprehension: Theme, Story Elements, Inferences, Cause and Effect, Sequence, Description, Compare and Contrast. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Cultures and Traditions, Careers, Economy and Business, Community, Weather, Animals
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- The verb To Be, Similes, Metaphors, Information Text, Nouns, Adjectives, Prepositional Phrases, Prefixes -sub and -sobre, Multi-syllables, Synonyms, Verbs: -ar, Multiple Meaning Words (polysemic), Types of sentences, Compound Words, Proper nouns, Possessive pronouns, and AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- The Human Body, The Responsible Use of Our Resources, Makusani's Lesson, Spatial Food, Mónica Puig, Pioneers of Medicine, The Amazing Antarctic, The Old Wise Woman, The Life Cycle of a Grasshopper, Global Alert, A Trip to California, A Night Talk with a Parrot, Adventures in Acropolis, Sarah's Secret. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Our Environment, Invents, Careers, Traveling
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Verbs in the past tense, Conjunctions: y, o, ni, que, pero; Use of commas, synonyms and antonyms, words classification; reviewing: capital letters, common and proper nouns, prepositions and prepositional phrases, subject and predicate; compound words and sentences, contractions: al (a + el) y del (de + el). AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- The Gray Wolf, Pecos Bill, The Seven Wonders of the Modern World, Economy, Threats to our Atmosphere, Cities in the Water, Grandma Cricket, The International Jersey Challenge, A Memory for Grandma Carmen, After an Earthquake, Who Needs Water? The Dragon's Tears. Plus, writing skills activities.
TOPICS- Places, School Subjects, Traveling, Activities, My Family, Sports, Ways to Communicate
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Review: diphthongs, nouns, suffixes, (-able, -abli), prefixes, hiatus, singular and plural nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and nouns, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, propositions, EOY activities.
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- EOY Activities + The Driest Desert on the Planet: Atacama, The National Park of the Hawaiian Volcanoes, The Magic of Migration, Sports, Lost Cities, Life of the Deserts, It is Not Fair! Hattie in the Attic, and The Hungry Tiger and the Smart Fox. Plus, writing skills activities.
Fifth Grade - Language: Spanish
lenses: phonics, fiction/non-fiction reading, vocabulary (AAPPL), writing/spelling (writing workshop), grammar, and CKLA/CAMINOS skills and knowledge.
TOPICS- All About Me, Arts and Literature, Daily Life, Community Life, Home and Places of Interest
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Sentences: subject, predicate, noun, verb, and complements (add-ons); types of sentences, types of nouns, punctuation marks, genres, noun genders, verbs, adjectives. AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- Students will work on their Caminos workbook Unit 1 and writing skills.
TOPICS- History: Pre-Colombian Civilizations: Incas, Mayas, and Aztecs; Animals and Pets, Cultures and Traditions; People, Arts and Literature.
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Subject and predicate; How to paraphrase, accents on words, copulative and predicative verbs, prefixes: -super, -inter; figurative language, myths, and legends, conjugation of verbs, and AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- Students will work on their Caminos workbook Unit 2 and writing skills.
TOPICS- Our Environment, Invents, Careers, Traveling, Healthy Habits, Arts and Literature.
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Verbs in the past tense, Conjunctions: y, o, ni, que, pero; Use of commas, synonyms and antonyms, words classification; reviewing: capital letters, common and proper nouns, prepositions and prepositional phrases, subject and predicate; compound words and sentences, contractions: al (a + el) y del (de + el). AAPPL Vocabulary
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- The Gray Wolf, Pecos Bill, The Seven Wonders of the Modern World, Economy, Threats to our Atmosphere, Cities in the Water, Grandma Cricket, The International Jersey Challenge, A Memory for Grandma Carmen, After an Earthquake, Who Needs Water? The Dragon's Tears.
TOPICS- Entertainment, Places, School Subjects, Traveling, Activities, My Family, Sports, Ways to Communicate, Science and Our environment
LANGUAGE & LITERACY SKILLS- Review: diphthongs, nouns, suffixes (-able, -miento, -ción), prefixes, hiatus, singular and plural nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and nouns, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, propositions, EOY activities.
CKLA/CAMINOS/OTHER- EOY Activities + The Driest Desert on the Planet: Atacama, The National Park of the Hawaiian Volcanoes, The Magic of Migration, Sports, Lost Cities, Life of the Deserts, It is Not Fair! Hattie in the Attic, and The Hungry Tiger and the Smart Fox
MA Middle School: Spanish
1. Introduction to Basic Communication and Culture.
2. Expanding Vocabulary and Interpersonal Communication.
3. Enhancing Listening and Reading Comprehension.
4. Developing Presentation Skills and Cultural Comparison.
5. Deepening Understanding and Use of Language in Various Contexts.
6. Language Skills and Preparing for Real-World Communication.
R1: Needs, feelings, preferences, greetings, farewells, apologies, courtesy.
R2: Likes and dislikes, classroom needs, preferences, and feelings.
R3: Weather, days, months, seasons, classroom activities.
R4: Poetry and songs, description of common objects and actions, comparing tangible objects, arts, sports, and games.
R5: Dialogues and skits, comparing basic cultural practices, cultural traditions, and events.
R6: Cognates, cultural products, and practices.
MA High School: Spanish