Dual Language Immersion » Exit Process

Exit Process



MACS Dual Language Immersion Program is an alternative educational option that offers the same quality as the traditional setting. The Dual Language Immersion Program is not a one-size-fits-all program, and it's okay if a student needs to exit the program at any point within the program of study. Our Dual Language Immersion Program’s primary goal is for students to continue their educational journey with a strong foundation in bilingualism and biliteracy. However, some scenarios may emerge during that journey and could cause a student to exit the program. Sometimes, a student's language proficiency in one of the program languages may not meet the required standards for continued participation. Additionally, they may face significant academic challenges that hinder their progress in one or both languages despite the efforts of the principal, curriculum facilitator, teacher(s), interventionist(s), school counselor, and the MTSS team to establish an individualized educational plan (IEP) and provide the necessary support. 

In such situations, the teacher and a school team will meet with the parent(s)/guardian(s) to recommend the student's exit from the program. Alternatively, based on individual circumstances, a student's family may withdraw the student from the program to ensure their academic success and well-being in future school years in a traditional classroom setting.